Mini Reviews (part five)
Hi everyone!
Here are my next five non-podcast reads of 2022.
This was the summer I decided to jump on the Cassandra Clare bandwagon, despite being terribly overwhelmed by the sheer amount and length of her books. The Shadowhunters series started coming out in 2008, when I was already at university and so I completely missed out on the craze.
City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments #1)
My first Cassandra Clare book and it did not disappoint.
The book was fast-paced and I liked the characters. I found the ending a little bit confusing and could have done without the rat storyline, even though I know this becomes important in future books.
Overall, an enjoyable read and exciting start to the series.
Rating: 4/5
Set On You
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for sending me an e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I flew through this book in one day - what a great, funny read about Crystal, a Fitstagrammer, and Scott a.k.a. Squat Rack Thief as they navigate new love, family and social media fame.
I really liked the main setting of their love story, which was the gym - it's refreshing to see a confident young woman in what is stereotypically a man's domain - and the overall message behind Crystal's Instagram account. I thought the chemistry between the two main characters was really good and I also enjoyed all of the supporting cast.
Overall I thought the pacing was really good, everything flowed really well and there was never a point at which I was bored. There were pop culture references sprinkled throughout, which was fun. I'm already looking forward to the next book in this series!
Rating: 4/5
City of Ashes (The Mortal Instruments #2)
I enjoyed this a bit less than City of Bones, but the last few chapters saved it for me.
I like how the mystery keeps building and how the books are getting darker. I don’t really like the dragged out maybe-incest and the formation of the love quadrangle.
Rating: 3/5
Electric Idol (Dark Olympus #2)
Overall I enjoyed this Eros and Psyche modern retelling, although I did find some elements annoyingly repetitive and I wish the two main characters had waited a bit longer before jumping into bed together.
The plot - and I use this term in the loosest sense possible - was alright and the spice was also just alright. So, a completely average book.
Rating: 3/5
City of Glass (The Mortal Instruments #3)
My favourite Shadowhunters instalment so far!
I think the pacing of this book was excellent - there was a lot going on, there were so many revelations and there was some great character development. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
However, the ending felt very convenient and I wonder if this was originally supposed to be a trilogy, because everything gets wrapped up very nicely (gosh that epilogue was long).
Rating: 4/5
Have you read any of these books? Do you agree with my ratings? Let me know in the comments below, via e-mail or DM us on Instagram - we love to hear from you!
Until next time, keep reading!