Meet the co-host: Corrie
Hello everyone! I am Corrie, one of the co-hosts of the Reading Materials podcast, and here to tell you a bit more about me.
It’s ironic that I’m writing a blog-post to introduce myself, as when Lucia approached me in early 2020 with the idea that we rekindle our old Harry Potter blog, I refused on the basis that I didn’t have enough time. Instead, I suggested a podcast - I had run both blog and podcast as a knitter, and thought it would be easier.
Boy was I wrong! And boy, am I glad.
If you’re already a listener of the podcast, you’ll know that Lucia and I met at university, where we were studying Materials Science and Engineering. While Lucia carried on with her sciencing, I drifted through a couple of careers as a general doer in start-ups, a brief sojourn into retail and market stalls, before settling on accounting. The three years I spend qualifying as a Chartered Accountant were a Dark Period in my life, and I am thoroughly glad to be through them!
I met my husband Will at the start of 2020, and we got married just 18 months later, as chronicled in painful detail in Season One of the podcast. We live in Bristol, England, and have an active life of playing video games, improving our home, and watching British talk shows in the evening while I knit. We both love football and Formula One (Will much more than me!)
Of course I’m not defined by my husband, and activities he will absolutely not join me on include rock-climbing, running, cycling, swimming, and a few other sporty things that I’ll try in an effort to keep myself fit and healthy. I also love animals, crafting, cooking, and, of course, reading.
We do a more in-depth introduction into our reading habits in Episode One of the pod, which you can listen to here. In the meantime, you can follow me on Goodreads or Instagram (which I no longer have on my phone as I end up in the black hole of Insta - you know the one I mean) so check much less frequently than you’d expect!
Keep reading,