Welcome to the website!

Hello everyone and check out our brand-spanking new website!

If this is your first time finding your way here - welcome! We are Corrie and Lucia, two best friends who love talking about books. So much so, that we decided to start a podcast called Reading Materials in May of 2020 and the rest, as they say, is history.

A very young Corrie (left) and Lucia (right) on holiday in Finland - not that you can tell!

We hope you will like this little corner of the internet we’ve created - you will find all of our podcast episodes, as well as our planned episodes. We will also be sharing with you some behind the scenes shenanigans in the form of blog posts. We will try to take turns in posting in the weeks between new episodes, but we make no guarantees as real life might get in the way sometimes.

We will be publishing introductory posts to ourselves shortly - in the meantime if you’d like to keep more up-to-date with us please check out the social media links at the bottom of the page to find us on Instagram, Facebook and Goodreads.

Thank you, as always, for listening to our bookish rants and for all of your support!


Meet the co-host: Lucia